Sunday, January 18, 2009

Co-creating your life and your country- Messiahs, Obamas and Redefining our Value as US Citizens

Yes, my very first open, online discussion of accountability, history and our power as a people to participate in this "CHANGE" we've been hearing so much about. . .

Several people have openly criticized Obama supporters, saying they have unfairly "deified" him. I find it very typical and perplexing at the same time. In my entire adult life (I'm 31) I've felt as though I have been powerless in my participation as a citizen to bring forth a change for good in my own country. I watched my parents, activists and educators be criticized and crippled by the rich and powerful in my hometown. As a result I've worked to become an activist with music and yoga, enriching the lives of people as I travel with love, community/connection and occasionally wisdom. To me, at times, these are the only ways I have felt empowered to participate in this country's wellness and as a counter force to its destruction. The last eight years, I've felt as if ANY of our input would be thrown in the White House paper shredders still in the envelope.

I am simply enthralled to bear witness to the mantra that Barack Obama and Joe Biden have been repeating- calling ALL US citizens into a place of personal and political empowerment. Before, during and after the election, it has been unwavering, they have been urging the PEOPLE to participate in improving their own lives. Which is why I find the savior thing awfully strange.

The part i find typical is that we've all observed through our narrow understanding of history that when people become desperate, they seek out a "Messiah" they can lean on to get through the rough times. Sadly, as we have learned through history's pages, when leaders who represent wisdom, truth and courage don't deliver the "quick fix" people react with some form of crucifixion. This is, if these inspirational leaders aren't assassinated fist by people whose nearsighted dynasty thrive on violence and destruction. I am hopeful that Obama will continue to remind people of their individual and collective ability to participate in the healing of their lives, our lives.

More than that, though, I pray for the citizens of the US, that we may look beyond this cycle of hope and violence and see that we truly do have the tools of empowerment and grace at our fingertips before we become impatient. We have a legacy, children, limited resources and a lot to become accountable for in order to become the individuals and the nation of which we dream.

We must open our eyes and enlighten ourselves. We have turned our gaze away from US instigated wars which have had no specified terms of victory or end in sight. We have ignored our excessive spending habits and have replaced community with entertainment. We have staggering and sad statistics that rank us top in the world with child obesity and type 2 diabetes because we have not set the standards of preventative health for our very young and impressionable. Everywhere, education is laughed at as a worthless "long track" to success and sense of earning has been replaced by a sense of entitlement. We have ignored our energy crisis and how many children "No Child Left Behind" is leaving behind. We can all see it, but something has happened in us as individuals that is tying our tongues and binding our hands. Simple and essential principles of nurturing have been popularly disregarded as "dumb, tree huggin' foolery."

Good news is that we are empowered- and that our new leaders are actually encouraging us to restore our sense of true value- not with gas guzzling over sized vehicles and and the latest in video game interfaces in surround sound- but with our minds, hands and hearts.

The even better news is that I don't believe that this means we have to agree, but I do believe that we have a duty to participate.

So- Dust off your ideals and dreams. Shake off the excess. Get up in the attic of your mind and dig out your hope and remember how good you were as a kid at devising strategies and schemes over the wildest of endeavors. You could build something out of nothing then and you have more resources before than you can fathom. . . Start the revolution from within. Honor the divine creative presence in your life and get busy co-creating your life and your country.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Young. . New . . Year. . Into the Mystic

I don't know about you guys, but this season's transition liked to knock me out of my rocker with all its madness. . . My holidays ranged from profound moments of breathing in gratitude and sipping on moments of divinity to trembling in chaos and uncertainty. Whoa nellie. I'm very grateful for the challenging experiences and also even more grateful for the opportunity in the young year to cultivate better boundaries, disciplines and rituals in my life. . .
Intentions and Inventory:
I am setting intentions on perceiving each choice in my life through three lenses. . . 1. "Is this supporting wellness?" 2. "Is this brave?" 3. "Is this in integrity with my highest vision, can I be accountable with this choice?" I am feeling so many things in this inventory process- disappointed, sad, joyful, grievous, relieved, realistic and excited. I hope that each of you are giving yourself the gift of a fresh inventory sheet and a new opportunity to find joy and love in your everyday lives. . . It's so easy to let that fall low on the priority list. . . Thank you all for being mirrors to me, showing me, in your many ways so many perspectives and visions and revisions. . .
I look forward to 2009. For the first few months, I will be staying close to home. I am going to complete the songs for our new album and will be working the details of recording, producing and releasing the new album. I also hope to cultivate my yoga practice and attend some trainings to enhance my teaching tools. Excited!
Our European tour was amazing. We look forward to returning in the summer (we hope!). Learning all the way. We have a lovely blog space with our tales and photos from our travels in Italy & Belgium. Check em out! Our friend, Conrad made some sweet videos of a few tunes on Youtube. And. . Ginger Leigh put together some hysterical videos of some of our trip in Italy.

This month!
I hope to see you all in our tours. Will keep you posted on when we're coming your way. . . This month we have some really sweet shows in TX This week we have Austin & San Antonio and we will be doing shows at new-to-us venues, HOUSE OF BLUES in Houston and THE FAIRMOUNT in Forth Worth this month. Check the calendar for details and more dates.

In Love, Hope and Grace,
Wendy Lorraine Colonna