Monday, December 7, 2009

on the stuffing of stockings, gifts from the homeless and more

Happy Holidays Everyone,

I hope this letter finds you warm and dry. Here's a little update. I have put all my wares on sale for the holidays if you wish to sharing some of the music you love with the people you love. . . There's also a little story about a homeless man who shed a little light on my understanding of giving. . .

Holiday CD Sale
Since everyone is shopping this year on a tighter budget, I thought I'd bring the prices down on my CD's and Yoga DVD, and offer you a little holiday special.

Red -- $10.99
Right Where I Belong -- $10.99
Old New Borrowed & Blue (Double Live & DVD) - $15.99

The Gift of YOGA:
I'm also offering Holiday Gift Certificates for Private and small group Yoga instruction. $65.00 for a 75 minute consultation and yoga class. $100 for 2 sessions. If you're not an Austin resident but I tour to your town regularly, we can schedule this easily.

Yoga To Go, Yoga for Musicians & Other Traveling Professionals (DVD, Workbook & Audio) -$14.99

Visit my websiteto purchase the CD's & Yoga DVD's. If you are interested in the yoga instruction, contact me directly:

With all the frenetic energy of the Holidays, I've been setting intentions left and right these days and thought I'd start blogging more about on this little journey of mine.

A little story. . . A Homeless Fella, Generosity and Gratitude . . .

This past Saturday, I was with friends in Houston, going to grab lunch. We parked and were greeted by these two homeless men who asked us for money/contributions. On our way into the restaurant we passed on giving to them, but on our way out, we handed them a box with a couple of tacos. One of the men thanked me and insisted that I wait just a moment. He pulled a soggy plastic bag of random women's jewelry (all thrift store quality, obviously found items) and insisted I sort through it to find a piece that suited me.

He wanted to reciprocate my gesture of bringing him food with a gesture to me, even though he had only the clothes on his back and this little plastic bag of random cheap jewelry. I selected a little silver bracelet and thanked him and went on my way.

I've been thinking a lot about gratitude and generosity. . . It seems like the more we are thankful for what we have, the less we feel we need and the more we give from a place of love - not obligation or guilt - the more we receive and recognize abundance. . . .

Live in Love. . .

Wendy Colonna