Wednesday, January 20, 2010

East Coast Tour, TX Dates & Album Update


Our 2010 gig-year started off with a packed house at the Mucky Duck in Houston, TX. It was our first show there and I was so grateful to have such warm reception! Since then we've been on the go nonstop. It's been a blessing and a whirlwind. . .

NACA, WFUV's On Your Radar & NE Tourdates

I have been selected out of thousands of performers to showcase at the prestigious National NACA Conference in Boston in February for at their 50th Anniversary Celebration. Because of this great opportunity, we booked a tour around the Northeast in February.

John Platt at WFUV in NYC invited us to perform at his emerging artists series "On Your Radar." So, we will be kicking off the tour in style at the Living Room in NYC on Feb 9th at 8pm.

We have tour-dates in Mass, Rhode Island, Connecticut and NYC on our calendar below and we hope that you will bundle up and come see us while we're on the East Coast.

Upcoming Texas Tourdates
Friday, Jan 22nd, The Auslander, Fredericksburg, TX 8pm
Saturday, Jan 23rd - Momo's, Austin TX- Chad Pope's Birthday Extravaganza! 10:30PM
Thursday, Jan 28th, Opening Bell Coffee in Dallas TX. 8pm

"We Are One" Album Update!

We received the masters on Friday. After listening over the weekend, we're even more excited. This album is absolutely incredible. I am so honored to have worked with such an amazing producer, Papa Mali, in such a badass studio, The Nest (analog at its finest) with such amazing musicians. I hope that you will love it as much as we do.

You can Pre-Order your album here: WE ARE ONE PRE-ORDER
However, Friday, Jan 22nd we're taking all Pre-Order Packages above the $50 level off the menu.
Everyone who pre-orders will receive their copies weeks in advance of the album's Official Release date (still TBD). Plus, the money goes to fund the album's creation and packaging. . . And you get it autographed and get sneak previews!

So. . . There it is. . .
Love & Light,
Wendy Lorraine Colonna

Pre-Order The new Album Today and Take Part in the art

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." - Buddha